Albatross movement suggests sensitivity to infrasound cues at sea


Author:IMBeR IPO Date:2024-11-13 Hits:18

作者:Natasha Gillies, Lucía Martina Martín López, Olivier F. C.den Ouden, Jelle D. Assink, Mathieu Basille, Thomas A.Clay, Susana Clusella-Trullas, Rocío Joo, Henri Weimerskirch, Mario Zampolli, Jeffrey N. Zeyl, and Samantha C. Patrick





Among animals, albatrosses are spectacularly mobile, yet the cues guiding long-distance movement across open ocean remain poorly understood. Of several candidate sensory mechanisms, including olfaction and magnetoreception, none provide sufficient explanation for the ability of albatrosses to find prey and anticipate atmospheric conditions optimal for energy-efficient flight. We investigated whether microbarom infrasound, sound below 20 Hz known informally as ‘the voice of the sea’, might be used as a movement cue by albatrosses. By comparing flight trajectories of individual birds to maps of modeled microbarom infrasound in the environment, we found that albatrosses preferentially move toward regions of ’loud’ infrasound. This study provides an indication that free-ranging seabirds may use infrasound information to guide oceanic movement.

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