IMBeR IPO-China initiated its 2022 Fall-Semester Internship Program in November this year to recruit and select eligible interns at East China Normal University (ECNU). Being set up specifically for full-time students at ECNU, this program provides internship opportunities for ECNUers from various backgrounds to meet the urgent need of cultivating international talents by making full use of resources at IMBeR IPO-China. Students who join this program will be able to participate in the daily operation of an international project office, learn about international academic organizations and cutting-edge research on marine science, as well as gain practical experience in an international and multicultural environment.
Office of Students’Affairs at ECNU, State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research at ECNU, IMBeR IPO-China, carried out the screening process and organized the interview in which candidates were selected according to what is required of an official position. Eventually, five students stood out among a pool of applicants for the 2022 Fall-Semester Internship Program. They are Qing LV (majoring in Ecology), Ao SHEN(majoring in English Translation), Wei Jiang (majoring in English Translation), Qianmeng QI (majoring in journalism and communication),Kun XIONG(majoring in Philosophy).
They presented themselves with confidence and sincerity in the introduction part. Qing LYU talked about her research interest, which focuses on ecological modeling, changing patterns of coastal blue carbon, and potential impacts brought by climate change and sea level rise. Specializing in writing, and video editing, Ao SHEN once worked as an intern at China Daily during which she participated in copywriting and posting on various social media platforms. Wei JIANG has constantly sharpened her translation skills in practice. She was the bilingual volunteer at the 3rd China International Import Expo and has completed many translation tasks independently during her internship at GroupHorse Group. Kun XIONG’s presentation started with an interesting riddle with clues to unveil his hometown. Audiences were impressed by his fascination with the sea ever since his childhood years. Qianmeng QI’s expertise lies in the running of social media platforms and writing articles. She has involved in the promotion of major events at university. In the following Q&A session, candidates proposed solutions to resolve potential crisis in different scenarios in the future.
Moments from the interview
To wrap up the interview, Jingjing ZHANG, Deputy Director from Office of Students Affairs, ECNU, commented on the significance of this internship program and praised five candidates for their excellent performance. It is expected that candidates who join this program will put learning into practice and develop personal skills.
Congratulations to the above interns! We are thrilled to have them with the team at IMBeR IPO-China. Let’s look forward with anticipation to this incoming journey in which both IMBeR and interns shall witness mutual growth. Meanwhile, interested applicants are welcome to submit their resumes. The third round of interview will begin in the spring semester of 2023, so stay tuned.
在面试环节的自我介绍中,五位同学从容自信,各展风采。吕晴同学重点介绍了自己的研究方向,关注的是生态模型,如何基于 MATLAB 网格动态解释滨海湿地蓝碳的格局变化和其他生态过程,以及气候变化和海平面上升的潜在影响。申澳同学擅长文字撰写,视频剪辑,拥有丰富的新媒体实习工作经历。在China Daily实习期间她参与了多项文案策划,撰写的中英文贴文发布在国内外各⼤社交平台上,微博点击量逾70万。江薇同学在翻译实践方面有着丰富的经验。她是第三届中国国际进口博览会上的双语志愿者“小叶子”,在策马翻译实习期间独立完成了多项翻译实践任务。此外,她还曾协助临港新片区一体化信息管理服务平台收集、翻译与分析相关信息。熊坤同学以有趣的猜谜作为开场白,逐步抛出线索引导在场观众猜测自己的家乡。他将自小与海洋结下的不解之缘娓娓道来,同时还畅谈了对参与本次实习的期望。齐千萌同学擅长社交媒体运营和公众号新闻稿撰写。她还是校宣传中心的一员,曾多次参与学校各类活动赛事的宣传。在紧接着的压力测试问答环节中,面对今后实习工作中可能会遇到的突发状况,同学们踊跃作答,针对如何巧妙应对并化解危机各抒己见。