Recap: The Chinese Marginal Seas Case Study 2022 Annual Meeting

Author:秦恺 Date:2022-11-21 Hits:67

The Chinese Marginal Seas (CMS) Case Study is a subprogram of the Continental Margins Working Group supported by the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research (IMBeR) and Future Earth Coasts (FEC). After years of COVID-19 pause, the Chinese Marginal Seas Case Study held its third annual meeting virtually on 14-15 November 2022 (full agenda). The opening session began with a warm welcome from IMBeR Strategy Director Prof. GiHoon Hong on behalf of the organizing committee. Prof. Su Mei Liu, the Chair, gave a comprehensive overview of the Chinese Marginal Seas Case Study.

Part I: Webinar – Tour of Asian Marginal Seas

The 3-hour webinar entitled “Tour of Asian Marginal Seas” was held right after the opening session, with lively broadcast worldwide through the KouShare platform. The IMBeR International Project Office (IPO) and CMS Study Group invited distinguished colleagues to feature their perspectives on their marginal seas. Webinar speakers include Dr. Moritz Mueller, professor at the Swinburne University of Technology, Malaysia; Dr. A’an Johan Wahyudi, Senior Research Scientist in the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia; Dr. Pavel Tischenko, Head of Hydrochemistry Lab in the Pacific Oceanological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia; Dr. Sheikh Aftab Uddin, professor in the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh; and Dr. Samina Kidwai, Director General of the National Institute of Oceanography, Pakistan. Professors GiHoon Hong, Jing Zhang (IMBeR National Contact for China), and Yongming Luo (FEC Executive Committee member) convened this webinar session.

Part II: Chinese Marginal Seas Case Study Group Meeting

This session on the second day was dedicated to the CMS Study Group for their internal discussion and formulation of future science plans. Dr. Dong-Yan Liu gave the welcome address on behalf of SKLEC of ECNU, the host of both IMBeR IPO and FEC IPO. The meeting is an opportunity for members to reflect on the past progress and look forward, with a focus on the following six topics:

1. The ecosystem and physicochemical environment change in the last 50 years (led by Su Mei Liu, Ocean University of China)

2. Impacts of mariculture on eco-environment and options for sustainable sea food supply (led by Zeng-Jie Jiang, Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences)

3. Integrated spatial planning for food-secure and carbon neutral blue economy (led by Hui Liu, Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences)

4. China’s Blue Carbon Ecosystems in the context of global change: evolvement, conservation and management (led by Qin-Hua Fang, Xiamen University)

5. Occurrence, ecological impact/risks and prevention strategies of normal and emerging pollutants in coastal and marginal seas (co-led by Jianhui Tang, Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Xindong Ma, National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, Ministry of Ecology and Environment)

6. Coastal zone management and policy in the context of sustainable development goals (led by Jia-Yu Bai, Nankai University)

To incorporate all the discussion and help ensure required outcomes, a guide was proposed by IMBeR IPO to establish Terms of Reference of the CMS Study Group. The provisional application of these Terms of Reference will be confirmed soon.

A special thank you to every presenter, as well as IMBeR delegates Professors Jing-Ling Ren, Dongyan Liu, Ying Wu, and IMBeR IMECaN delegate Sheng-Hui Li, who are supporting the CMS Case Study forward!

Stay tuned to the IMBeR IPO-China for recordings of selected presentations in the coming weeks.



中国边缘海案例研究(Chinese Marginal Seas case study, CMS)是海洋生物圈整合研究(Integrated Marine Biosphere Research, IMBeR)和未来地球海岸(Future Earth Coasts, FEC)两大国际科学计划支持的陆架边缘海工作组的子项目。在受新冠肺炎疫情影响而几度推迟之后,中国边缘海案例研究于20221114日至15日在线召开了第三届年会(会议议程)。开幕式上,IMBeR战略主任洪基勳教授代表年会组委会致欢迎辞,工作组主席刘素美教授全面介绍了中国边缘海案例研究的发展历程与工作进展。



题为亚洲边缘海之旅的线上研讨会紧接开幕式后举行。本场三个小时的研讨会通过寇享平台进行了全球直播。IMBeR国际项目办公室和CMS工作组邀请了该地区资深的同行介绍了他们在各自边缘海的研究进展。受邀的报告人分别是:来自马来西亚斯威本科技大学的Moritz Mueller教授、来自印度尼西亚国家研究创新署(BRIN)的A’an Johan Wahyudi资深研究员、来自俄罗斯科学院太平洋海洋研究所水化学实验室Pavel Tischenko主任、来自孟加拉国吉大港大学的Sheikh Aftab Uddin教授、以及来自巴基斯坦国家海洋学研究所Samina Kidwai所长。洪基勳教授、张经教授(IMBeR中国国家联络人)和骆永明教授(FEC执行委员会委员)主持了本次线上研讨会。



会议的第二天进行工作组的内部讨论,服务于未来科学计划的制定。刘东艳研究员代表IMBeRFEC 国际项目办公室的主办单位华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室致欢迎辞。与会人员进行了充分的交流与探讨,对以下六项子任务逐个开展梳理:

1. 中国近海近50年生态系统和物理化学环境演变(由中国海洋大学刘素美教授领衔)

2. 海水养殖对生态环境的影响及可持续海产品供应方案(由中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所蒋增杰研究员领衔)

3. 应对大食物观与碳中和的蓝色经济规划管理(由中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所刘慧研究员领衔)

4. 全球变化下中国滨海蓝碳生态系统演变与保护管理(由厦门大学方秦华教授领衔)

5. 沿岸和边缘海域常规和新污染物的出现、生态影响/风险和防治策略(由中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所唐建辉研究员和生态环境部国家海洋环境监测中心马新东研究员共同领衔)

6. 可持续发展目标下的海岸带综合管理与政策研究(由南开大学白佳玉教授领衔)

为凝聚共识、促进成果交付,IMBeR国际项目办公室介绍了完善工作组《职权范围》(Terms of Reference)的指南。该《职权范围》将于近期发布并试行。

