Exploring Pakistan through Travel Blog at IMBeR Coffee Reception

Author:IMBeR IPO Date:2023-03-29 Hits:105

On March 16th, 2023, IMBeR International Project Office (IPO-China) held an engaging lecture event at the SKLEC building, ECNU, which drew a diverse crowd of domestic and international students, as well as teachers and interns at IMBeR IPO-China. The lecture centered around the theme "Indus River and its Delta" was led by Professor HONG GiHoon, Strategic Director of IMBeR IPO-China, who took attendees on a fascinating journey exploring Pakistan.

During the lecture, the audience followed Professor HONG's footsteps to the Indus River, Pakistan's "Mother River" and an essential cradle of ancient Indian civilization. The Indus Valley's water resources, abundant sunlight, arid climate, and fertile land provide favorable conditions for the local development of agriculture. Professor HONG then elaborated on the history and development of Pakistan's civilization, showing the historical sites and pointing out the natural and environmental problems facing Pakistan, such as the risk of severe floods. In addition, Professor HONG shared his experiences during his visit to the National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) in Pakistan for its 40th anniversary in January 2023, including the local architecture and cultural landscape, which let the audience have a more intuitive understanding of this South Asian country. The lecture was highly informative and interactive, interweaving history and reality, nature and humanity, arousing the audience's intense curiosity and thirst for knowledge. In this lecture, Professor Yin Jie from the School of Geographical Sciences of East China Normal University was specially invited. Based on his latest research publication, discussions have been raised around how Pakistan and other arid and semi-arid areas cope with the extreme disaster risk of climate change and the increased impact of human activities. Nature: Flash floods: why are more of them devastating the world’s driest regions?

The students said the lecture gave them a window into Pakistan from a larger perspective of physical geography, human history, the land beyond the map, and the problems people there have to deal with. It gave them ideas and inspirations for their future study and research work.

After the lecture comes to the Coffee Reception, during which teachers and students chatted freely, sharing their academic and personal experiences and connecting.

Under the guidelines of the international work of SKLEC, this event is part of the ongoing capacity development activities hosted by IMBeR IPO-China from time to time, designed to establish an open and pleasant platform for young scholars to exchange ideas and share experiences. 

IMBeR IPO-China is committed to providing early career researchers with more valuable learning and communication opportunities to help personal development. IMBeR IPO-China will continue to launch more high-quality capacity development activities. Keep an eye out for more exciting events from IMBeR IPO-China!


2023316日上午,IMBeR国际项目办公室(IPO-China)在河口海岸大楼二楼公共文化空间举办了一场面向河口海岸学国家重点实验室国际学生和IMBeR实习生的讲座活动。讲座主题为“印度河及其三角洲”,由IMBeRIPO-China战略主任HONG GiHoon教授带领与会者一起探询巴基斯坦。这场别开生面的讲座交流活动吸引了不少相关专业领域的老师和学生前来参加。

讲座中,听众们跟随HONG教授的足迹走近了巴基斯坦的“母亲河”——印度河,古印度文明的重要发源地。印度河流域的水资源、当地充足的光照、干旱的气候以及肥沃的土地为其农业的发展提供了有利条件。随后HONG教授将巴基斯坦的历史文明发展历程娓娓道来,不仅展示了其现存的历史遗迹,同时也指出了巴基斯坦目前面临的自然环境问题,例如严重的洪涝灾害风险等。此外,HONG教授还分享了20231月他在巴基斯坦国家海洋研究所(National Institute of Oceanography, NIO)四十周年所庆期间进行访问的有趣见闻和体验,包括当地的建筑和人文景观等,让在场观众对这个南亚国家有了更直观的了解。讲座内容丰富、生动,在历史与现实、自然与人文中交织穿梭,引起了在场观众的强烈好奇心与求知欲,纷纷发言提问。本次讲座特别邀请了华东师大地理科学学院殷杰教授进行互动交流,就其最新成果探讨巴基斯坦等干旱半干旱地区如何应对气候变化和人类活动影响加剧下的极端灾害风险(Nature: Flash floods: why are more of them devastating the world’s driest regions?





图 | 齐千萌、申奥

文 | 孟石芳

编辑 | 左芳、秦恺