Exploring the Russian Far East

Author:IMBeR IPO Date:2024-01-08 Hits:112


  2023年12月21日下午,IMBeR国际项目办公室(IPO-China)在河口海岸大楼教工之家成功举办了第四次IMBeR Coffee Reception活动。本次活动特邀俄罗斯科学院远东分院水化学实验室负责人Pavel Yu. Semkin研究员,为大家带来了主题为“Diverse Nature of Coastal Eutrophication and Ecosystem Responses: The Peter the Great Bay with Hypoxia and Unique Areas of the Sea of Okhotsk and Eastern Kamchatka with Whales”的精彩报告。

        Pavel Yu. Semkin研究员在报告中以丰富的图片和详尽的数据介绍了彼得大帝湾、拉兹多尔纳亚河流域、尚塔尔地区和堪察加半岛沿海地区在人为因素和自然因素影响下的富营养化进程、水体缺氧情况,及其成因。他重点关注了在堪察加河流域,农业、鲑鱼死后组织矿化、潮汐沼泽、火山灰和潮汐上涌对不同流域营养盐浓度的影响,展现了沿海富营养化原因的多样性。这些因素相互作用,使得其影响更加复杂。在拉兹多尔纳亚河流域,自然因素对水体富营养化的影响程度与人为因素不相上下。此外,他还详细介绍了海域内弓头鲸的迁徙和丰富多样的海洋生物组成。在报告的最后,他强调了为了有效保护和管理各种生态区域,有必要进行更深入的研究和实验数据的深入分析。


  在活动的尾声,IMBeR国际项目办公室战略主任GiHoon Hong教授为Pavel颁发了感谢证书,在欢声笑语中,活动圆满结束。敬请期待下期活动!


Exploring the Russian Far East

On the afternoon of December 21, 2023, the IMBeR International Project Office (IPO-China) successfully hosted the fourth IMBeR Coffee Reception at the Faculty House of the SKLEC Building. The event featured a special presentation by Dr. Pavel Yu. Semkin, Head of Hydrochemistry laboratory of the V.I. Il’ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences. He gave an intriguing talk titled "Diverse Nature of Coastal Eutrophication and Ecosystem Responses: The Peter the Great Bay with Hypoxia and Unique Areas of the Sea of Okhotsk and Eastern Kamchatka with Whales."

During the presentation, Dr. Pavel Yu. Semkin used a wealth of images and detailed data to introduce the processes of eutrophication, hypoxia in water bodies, and their causes in the Peter the Great Bay, Razdolnaya River basin, Shantar region, and the coastal areas of the Kamchatka Peninsula under the influence of both anthropogenic and natural factors. He focused on the effects of agriculture, mineralization of salmon, tidal marshes, volcanic ash, and tidal upwelling on nutrient concentrations in the Kamchatka River basin, demonstrating the diversity of causes of coastal eutrophication. These factors interact with each other, making their effects more complex. In the Razdolnaya River basin, the impact of natural factors on water eutrophication was found to be comparable to human activities. Additionally, he detailed the migration of bowhead whales and the rich and diverse composition of marine life. At the end of the report, he stressed the need for more in-depth research and analysis of experimental data in order to effectively protect and manage various ecological regions.

For many students and faculty, this was their first face-to-face interaction with scholars from Russian Far East, especially for international students from tropical countries who were deeply attracted by the vastly different natural landscapes and environmental characteristics. Discussions around the presentation content and mutual research progress were easygoing and enthusiastic. This also marked the first in-person research exchange for the IPO's 2023 fall semester interns as they celebrated the winter solstice together.

As the event came to a close, Prof. GiHoon Hong, Strategy Director of the IMBeR International Project Office - China, presented Dr. Pavel Yu. Semkin with a certificate of appreciation. In the midst of laughter and joy, the event concluded successfully. Stay tuned for the next edition of activities!

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