Journey of field sampling on the coasts of Indonesia, Bangladesh, and China

Author:IMBeR IPO Date:2024-07-08 Hits:20


6月11日,IMBeR国际项目办公室举办了第七次Coffee Reception能力发展活动。活动邀请了来自华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室海洋生物学专业硕士研究生Wulantari与海洋化学专业博士研究生Milki Debi分享了她们在印度尼西亚、孟加拉国和中国沿海的野外采样、跨境运输科学样品并在上海开展后续分析的经历。






Milki Debi

Milki Debi介绍了她在孟加拉国和中国沿海的采样经历。Milki的研究方向为同位素海洋学,通过本次报告与大家分享了利用天然放射性核素与人工放射性核素研究潮间带滩涂在物质平衡中的作用。她分析了敖江口与孟加拉湾东南沿岸的土壤和沉积物样品及其中的痕量金属。通过样品预处理及一系列放射性核素分析、粒度分析、痕量金属分析、稳定同位素分析,重点开展了地质年代学、历史遗留污染方面的研究。Milki与我们分享了她在旅程中独特的记忆,她表示野外采样提供了探索环境、发展技能、锻炼综合报告撰写能力的机会。


活动尾声,IMBeR战略主任洪基勳教授为Wulantari与Milki颁发了活动证书,感谢她们的精彩报告。同时,IMBeR国际项目办公室也借此机会感谢办公室第三期实习小伙伴在此期间对办公室活动的积极参与及支持。华东师范大学2024届地理科学学院毕业生梁欣宇代表实习生团队用中国民族乐器竹笛为众人献上《在水一方》与《再回首》两曲。在悠扬的曲声之中,带大家感受中国传统乐器的魅力,也为本学期的Coffee Reception能力发展活动与第三期实习项目画上圆满的句号。



On June 11, the IMBeR International Project Office (IPO) conducted the seventh Coffee Reception capacity development event. The event featured vivid presentations by Wulantari, a master’s student in Marine Biology, and Milki Debi, a doctoral candidate in Marine Chemistry from the State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University. They shared their extensive field scientific sampling in Indonesia, Bangladesh, and China, and cross-border shipment of scientific samples for further examination in Shanghai, China.

Wulantari opened the session with a presentation on her sampling journey in coastal Indonesia. She provided an overview of Indonesia’s geography, climate, and population, noting that Indonesian coastal waters are a world-class biodiversity hotspot (e.g., 70% of coral species are in the Coral Triangle). She also pointed out that 150 million people (60%) live in and depend upon the coastal zone.

Wulantari detailed her sampling process from 26 sites around coastal Indonesia, focusing on the population genetic structure and phylogeographic history of barnacles and fiddler crabs. Using DNA extractions and gel electrophoresis technology, she compared the electrophoresis visualization results of barnacles from Fujian province, China, with those from East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Wulantari concluded with five “DOs” for collecting samples: conducting detailed surveys of sample sites, saving necessary documents, maintaining clear notes for sample schedules and tags, capturing documentation, and safety first. She also highlighted the importance of developing communication skills, understanding diversity, and respecting local culture.

Milki Debi followed with a report on her sampling journey to the coasts of Bangladesh and China. Her research direction is Isotope Oceanography. She offered practical insights into the role of the intertidal beach tidal flat in the material balance using natural and artificial radionuclides. She analyzed soil and sediment samples, along with trace metals from the Aojiang River Estuary and the southeastern coast of the Bay of Bengal. Her research, which focuses on geochronology and historical contamination, employs pre-processing and a series of radionuclides, grain size, trace metals, and stable isotope analyses. Milki shared unique memories from her journey, noting that field sampling provides opportunities to explore surroundings, develop skills, and create comprehensive reports.

At the end of the event, IMBeR Strategy Director Prof. GiHoon Hong awarded certificates of appreciation to Wulantari and Milki for their excellent presentations. The IPO also took this opportunity to thank our outstanding student interns from East China Normal University for their active participation and support during the 2023-2024 Internship Program. Xinyu Liang, a graduate of the School of Geographical Sciences of East China Normal University, represented the intern team by performing two songs, "By the Waterside" and "Looking Back Again," on the bamboo flute. The melodious tunes let everyone experience the charm of this traditional Chinese musical instrument and brought a successful conclusion to this semester’s IMBeR Coffee Reception events and Internship Program.

图片 | 许若橦(实习)

供稿 | 钱苏慧 邹颖(实习)

审核 | IMBeR IPO  


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