Authors: Alexander M.A. Khan, Muhammad H. Ilmi, Choerunnisa Febriani, Trisna D.A. Sidik, Fadilla N. Azizah, Defania S. Ramadhanti, and Noir P. Purba
Journal: Journal of Sea Research
The La Niña event not only affected global ocean dynamics but also marine productivity. Due to its importance to the life of organisms and ecosystems, the biophysical aspects should be analyzed. One of the important regions in the eastern region of the Indian Ocean is located in the upwelling system and central marine biodiversity. The study aims to investigate several parameters, including SSTs, dissolved oxygen levels, nitrate distribution, and Chlor-a concentration, which are combined with ocean currents. These parameters are then analyzed in the period 2020 to 2022, which is La Niña condition. Based on the results, significant changes occur in SST during the first transitional season of 2022, where the increase reaches 1–4 °C. There was an increase in La Niña during this period. For marine productivity parameters, the recorded DO is in the range of 197 to 218 mmol/m3, nitrate with a value range of 0 to 0,02 mmol/m3, nanoplankton with a value range of 0 to 0.03 mg/m3, and Chlor-a with a value range of 0 to 4 mg/m3. We also found that changes in ENSO events affect the productivity of the Eastern Region of the Indian Ocean, especially in the Chlor-a parameter, where the occurrence of La Niña extreme is the most important parameter. |
Fig. 4: Geographic location the eastern region of Indian Ocean with several main currents flowing from the Indonesian seas to the central Indian Ocean (yellow lines). SJCC: South Java Coastal Currents; SEC: South Equatorial Currents; ITF: Indonesian Throughflow; HC: Holloway Currents; LC: Leuuwin Currents. Bathymetry is provided by Gebco. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) |