IMBeR Ocean Color-based Plant species identification and Carbon flux in the Indo-Pacific oceans (OC-PC) Study Group has released the manual Ocean Color Sensors and Their Data Access: A Brief Overview on July 2022. This manual can be downloaded from: or IMBeR OC-PC Study Group (no login needed).
The manual presents a summary of the ocean color sensors and their data access. It aims to provide a starting material for early career researchers (ECRs) and a wider audience who are not ocean color specialists. It will be updated as new sensors or new products become available.
IMBeR OC-PC Study Group cochaired by Prof. Young-Je Park and Prof. Fang Shen consists of experts from seven institutions in five countries. Its work program (2022-2032) contains:
2. Ocean color synthesis for the East Indian and the West Pacific Ocean.
3. Capacity development for the ECR in the Indo-Pacific regions.
More information for the group can be found here
IMBeR OC-PC 工作组发布《海洋水色遥感传感器及其数据访问》手册
2022年7月,IMBeR“印太海域基于水色遥感的植物物种识别与碳通量”工作组(OC-PC)发布了《海洋水色遥感传感器及其数据访问》手册。本手册可于下述网站下载:www.imber.info或IMBeR OC-PC工作组(无需登录)。
IMBeR OC-PC研究工作组由Young-Je Park教授和沈芳教授担任共同主席,组内专家来自五个国家的七个研究机构。该研究组的工作计划(2022-2032年)包括:
3. 服务印太地区早期职业研究人员的能力发展。