Second IMBeR Eutrophication Study Group Video Meeting on Dec. 21

Author:秦恺 Date:2022-12-27 Hits:148

IMBeR Eutrophication Study Group held its second video meeting on 21 December 2022 to share research progress and to progress synthesis. Ten members, one early career researcher from SKLEC, and two IMBeR IPO staff attended the meeting. Co-Charis Dongyan Liu and Peter Thompson initiated the session and expressed warmest welcome to everyone, especially the new members joining for the first time: Jim Cloern, Richardo Giesecke, Noreen Kelly, Hans Paerl, and Diana Ruiz Pino.

Starting from this meeting, members have opportunities to present their research and contribute to the new view synthesis. Prof. Jacob Carstensen, from Aarhus University in Denmark, gave an in-depth description of over 50 years of research on eutrophication in Danish waters.

Chongran Zhou, a Ph.D. student at SKLEC, gave the second presentation on the case study of Cockburn Sound, Western Australia, which is recovering from significant eutrophication caused by human activities.

After each presentation, there were enlightening discussions, mainly around the combined effects, nutrient recycling, and legacy nutrient issues. The summary will be circulated among members through emails for further input. The next meeting will be arranged in January 2023, before the Spring Festival. And the group will seek a chance for an in-person meeting in due course in 2023. Stay tuned with IMBeR Eutrophication Study Group for more updates in a promising year ahead.


      20221221日,IMBeR富营养化工作组(Eutrophication Study GroupESG)举行了第二次线上会议,分享研究进展、推进整合研究。十位工作组成员、SKLEC的博士研究生和两位IMBeR IPO代表参加了会议。工作组联合主席刘东艳研究员和Peter Thompson教授主持会议,向与会者、特别是首次参加工作组会议的成员Jim Cloern研究员、Richardo Giesecke教授、Noreen Kelly研究员、Hans Paerl教授和Diana Ruiz Pino教授表示热烈欢迎。

      自本次会议起,成员们将借助会议机会展示各自的研究进展,交流促进工作组成果产出。来自丹麦奥胡斯大学的Jacob Carstensen教授详尽介绍了丹麦水域富营养化在过去50多年的研究积累。来自华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室的博士研究生周崇然带来了本场第二个报告,介绍了西澳大利亚考克伯恩湾的案例研究,该海湾正在从人类活动导致的严重富营养化问题中逐渐恢复。
