Publication List for IMBeR IPR Study Group

Author:秦恺 Date:2022-12-23 Hits:47

1. Harmesa, Wahyudi, A. J., Lestari, & Taufiqurrahman, E. (2022). Variability of trace metals in coastal and estuary: Distribution, profile, and drivers. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 174, 113173.

2. Lestari, L., Harmesa, H., Taufiqurrahman, E., Budiyanto, F., & Wahyudi, A. J. (2021). Assessment of potential variability of cadmium and copper trace metals using hindcast estimates. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment193(11), 1–22.

3. Meirinawati, H., Prayitno, H. B., & Wahyudi, A. J. (2021). Nutrient Distribution in Eastern Indonesian Waters. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 934(1), 012052.

4. Meirinawati, H., & Wahyudi, A. J. (2022). Deepening Knowledge of Nutrient Dynamics in Coastal Waters. ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development, 39(1), 23–33.

5. Iskandar, I., Sari, Q. W., Wahyudi, A. J., Afdal, A., & Mardiansyah, W. (2022). Vertical Chlorophyll-a Concentration Profiles Observed on The Western Coast of Northern Sumatera During the 2017 Northeast Monsoon. Science and Technology Indonesia, 7(1), 36–40.

6. Triana, K., Wahyudi, A. J., Murakami-Sugihara, N., & Ogawa, H. (2021). Spatial and temporal variations in particulate organic carbon in Indonesian waters over two decades. Marine and Freshwater Research, 72(12), 1782–1797.

7. Triana, K., & Wahyudi, A. J. (2021). Dissolved oxygen variability of Indonesian seas over decades as detected by satellite remote sensing. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 925(1), 012003.